Jerusalem Old City

© Eitan Simanor
In the Old City of Jerusalem tensions and emotions are high. But the degree of discord remains a constant undercurrent. The Jerusalemites have learnt to adapt to a complex reality and to ignore its grating aspects. De facto and despite difficult times, the different communities have been mostly co-existing for generations.
The Old City spreads out on no more than one square km behind classified Ottoman fortified walls. It resembles an exuberant theatre set, textured like an ancient parchment covered with Holy Scriptures over which endless graffiti has been scribbled.
And there is more to the Old City of Jerusalem. Most visuals describing the city and its human fabric inevitably encompass an iconic dimension, a dialogue between the subconscious and some of the more universal cultural landmarks. It is undoubtedly to do with the fact that Jerusalem enjoys a Holy Destiny… but more prosaically it is linked to the fact that within the nations who's cultures are impregnated with monotheistic affinities, all individuals share a sizable collection of concepts and images acquired from their close surrounding, from their exposure to education, to art, culture or entertainment and from their own relationship with faith.
I am myself a Jerusalemite. My aim in this project is simply to observe the feverish daily activity in the streets in an attempt to decipher the fascinating groundswell that sweeps this tiny microcosm.
Eitan Simanor Hamagid 6A Jerusalem 93114 Israel tel: 972 50 447 2277 email