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Roof with a view




© Eitan Simanor
Roughly in the middle of the Old City of Jerusalem lies a large flat roof. Tourists reach out to admire the panorama and find their bearings among some of the prominent city landmarks. The view is inspiring but disturbed, with famous features, such as the Golden Dome and the Mount of Olives, hardly emerging among satellite dishes, water tanks, lamp posts, air shafts, guard rails and improvised corrugated sheds. The roof also serves as the main access to a Jewish Talmudic school and compound.
In this project all the pictures have been taken from the very same roof, only slightly changing view points and fields of view. The ambiance in each frame is mainly the result of natural and street lighting at different times of the day and year.
Eitan Simanor Hamagid 6A Jerusalem 93114 Israel tel: 972 50 447 2277 email
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